
You Should Avoid These 7 Foods A Night Before Your Wedding


‘The wedding diet’ is as real as rain and also very important. You would not want an about-to-be-married you running down the aisle as a result of stomach upset or the like.

In a bid to avoid any drama between you and your stomach, you should be mindful of the meals you have a few days or a night before your wedding

Here are 7 meals you should stay away from ahead of your big day:

1. Junk Food

Apart from trying to banish food-induced baby bumps, you never can tell when junk food might upset your stomach. It is better to be safe than sorry.

2. Beans

Bacteria goes to work breaking down the food and causing serious amounts of gas and bloating when you eat beans. It’s wise to stay off this a night before your wedding.

3. Artificial Sweeteners

These can be referred to as ‘proxy’ sweeteners and are a no – no. Most times, they contain sugar alcohol, which can cause bloating. It’s best to cut down on sugar altogether.

4.  Salt

Salt causes the body to retain water and bloat around the mid-section. You may want to avoid meals with too much salt at this time.

5. Diary Products

Dairy is made up of an enzyme called lactase, which is responsible for lactose intolerance in 75% of the world’s population. The digestive system struggles to break down dairy, and indigestion causes gas and bloating. If you don’t want to feel stuffed on your day, avoid dairy products.

6. Soda

Carbon dioxide is the root cause of the bubbles found in soda, beer and champagne. Taking fizzy/soda drinks means ingesting those gases, which cause bloating and expansion around your mid-section.

7. Gum

No one would have guessed, right? A lot of chewing gums use sugar alcohols in production. As with artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols cause bloating – furthermore, single stick of gum can pack five calories and up to six grams of sugar.

You may be tempted to want to take some of these before your big day but you definitely do not want to feel any sort of discomfort on your wedding day. Replace fizzy drinks with water and avoid the rest of the above for a couple of days and you will be just fine!

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