Welcome to Iludio. We have a great community interested in Weddings. Iludio provides a great service that fosters conversations for the community. Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as they apply to you. Our community guidelines, which complement our Terms of Use, govern acceptable content and discussions for Iludio.
The Short Version
- We’re very delighted that you are here. We hope you join in and add to great conversations within our wonderful community.
- Please respect our Iludio community and help our moderators. Be nice and professional.
- Please don’t cross the line as part of our community. Respect our rights, other’s rights and follow the law.
- We are a small team of humans and we’ll take down bad content when we find it. Your help is required to police bad content and preserve our community.
The Long Version
You will discover many ways to interact within Iludio. These include:
- Write a review: We appreciate every review that is provided. Logged in users can create reviews for vendors that have provided service(s) to them.
- Post a comment: Logged in users can submit comments to inspirational and blog posts
- Participate in a forum: Our forum allows logged in users to interact about various topics related to weddings.
- Send a message: You can contact us or contact vendors through our contact forms.
Iludio is a friendly environment and we want it to remain this way. We do not edit the content of comments, reviews and forum posts but completely take them down if inappropriate. Please follow these rules to ensure that your reviews, comments or forum posts are not removed and subsequently you are not banned from using our services.
- General audience: All images and posts must be appropriate for all audience.
- Copyright: Post only original content (pictures or text) i.e. only upload pictures that you create or are authorized to upload. Kindly respect intellectual property of others.
- Attacks and Threat: Please don’t intimidate, attack, threaten, insult, stalk or harass another user.
- Harmful links or content: Please don’t post harmful links or content. No links to illegal downloads and no content that promotes violence or hate against any group or individual. Also no vile language and no pornographic content.
- Spam and Scam: Zero tolerance for spam. All promotional posts are considered spam. In addition, no scam/fraud posts and unwanted content.
- No repeat posts: Absolutely no reposts (repetitive content).
- No multiple accounts: We have created a service that requires one account per user. Please do not create multiple accounts.
- No impersonation: Please do not use usernames that impersonate others.
- No personal chatting: Please realize that your posts are public and others are reading them. No chatting is therefore permitted.
- License: Any content posted or submitted is licensed to Iludio to use, display or repurpose. You will defend and indemnify Iludio from any claims that result from your provided content.
Note: The rules outlined are not comprehensive and we reserve the right to remove anything we find inappropriate.
We work hard to ensure a great environment. Please if you see any of the above, kindly flag the comment, review or post. You can also contact us via our contact page.
Thanks for helping us foster a great community.
The Iludio Team