We want you to be fully satisfied with items you purchase on our site. As a result, we work with a limited number of sellers to ensure a great shopping experience. We understand that sometimes an item is defective and needs to be returned. Don’t worry, we have you covered for such a situation.
- For vendor listing payments, we do not offer refunds for any reason.
- For products sold by third party sellers, please see the seller’s return policy. The seller information and policy may appear on the product’s page. Only if no return policy exists for the seller, then will Iludio’s return policy below apply. Payments made to vendors or external parties are under their Refund Policy. We are not liable for any payments made directly to vendors or external parties.
- For products sold by Iludio, we offer a 14-day return policy. Contact us within 14 days of receiving your item to discuss a refund or exchange. No refunds are permitted after 14 days. Returns must be deemed defective and approved before a refund is issued. Gift cards are not refundable. Shipping-related charges are not refundable. You will incur all new shipping-related charges.
Refunds and exchanges will only be considered if:
- Product is in its original condition and unused
- Product is not damaged
- Product is not edible or perishable
- Product is not personalized, bespoke or made-to-order
- Product is not a sale item
- Product is still in its original packaging
- Product is complete and has no missing parts/components
- Product is still sealed, except if the product is damaged or defective
- Product label is still attached