
Vendor Interview: Get to Know Prime Shades

What differentiates Prime Shades from others in your line of business? What are your greatest strengths?

I always say this “details makes the difference” because I believe that you should have your ’niche’. I go out of my way to acquire a lot of bridal details, a lot of decor details which we use in doing our setups which creates beautiful ambiance for clients. We are also in the business where we look at serving everyone and we don’t want to be identified as a brand in the industry that discriminates and serves just top notch clients. We want to work for everyone. We want a situation where you can walk up to us with your budget and we will be able to work with you and your budget. We’ve been doing that since 2015 and it has worked well. We realized that some brides are intimidated by the pictures they see on our page. They feel they can’t afford it so what I do is talk them out of the fear and see how we can tailor fit their package for the budget they can afford. These are some of the things I believe make us stand out in our industry. I also give my clients the opportunity to pay their bill in installments when outright payment seems so burdensome. We work out a comfortable payment plan to allow the couple cover all costings for all vendors before the event so that it encourages vendors to give their best. We have a design structure where the bride and groom look at the details thoroughly and we advice them on the various things they have to cover. We provide a list of vendors for them to choose and we work within the couple’s budget to create a beautiful wedding. I believe given all of these factors, we stand out as being different where most expectations is that a certain amount has to be paid before we work for the couple.

To be able to book Prime Shades, you just have to pay 10% of the total cost. Knowing that a couple may not have the money readily available, the couple can lock the date of the wedding by paying just 10% of the total cost. When any other couple tries to book we advise that we have already been booked for the day because we want couples to feel special. We also go out of our way to provide free consultation to the bride because we don’t believe in charging them for everything. Your bride is more or less your little baby so you need to give the baby food, water, medicine, etc to grow and you need to grow a good relationship with your bride; a healthy relationship where they respect your time, you respect their time. You also respect their opinion and we believe that with this, we are able to create something out of it. We don’t impose she wears a particular gown if she doesn’t want to. If she doesn’t want a strapless gown you won’t want her to wear that and we go out of our way to help in selecting all the locations/venues, vendors, etc without any charges. The difference between us and others is that we offer all this free of charge!

I believe that it is teamwork that has been able to hold up my business till now. I have a team of dedicated workers who see to it that everything is done. They leave no stone unturned. They always put me on alert. We always have our checklist. I am always grateful because they love the job like I do. They want to see things look good. They don’t abandon and leave because it is late. If we have to work day and night to see to it that we slay, they will all be there to work. That is something I find so unique that I have found among my team and the people I work with. I have a great assistant. She has been so hardworking. I think I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to really travel and come here if she wasn’t there. She does everything perfect and you wouldn’t notice that I am even gone. I say a big ‘thank you’ to all the workers I have. For now, we have 7 permanent and 12 on contract workers. In all, I am very happy and thankful to God. He has made all of this possible.

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